

Supermodel Bonnie Mueller Tells FACTZ – “We Are Heading Towards a Civil War”

Supermodel Bonnie Mueller has been on a vocal rampage lately on social media, but what she has been voicing isn’t #fakenews. Mueller is speaking FACTZ.

Bonnie Mueller released a story this morning calling out the political divide. She says, “We are all Americans living in America … why can’t we educate each other and be a little bit more open and not attack people and their political beliefs. It’s really important that we have both sides and help each other understand better because when you attack people on their political views instead of sharing FACTZ, you just sound very uneducated.”

FACTZ reached out to Mueller for a statement; she added, “The way things are going, we are heading towards a Civil War.”

Mueller also confirmed she would be a guest on the FACTZ Podcast (#FACTZPOD) this month. What a time to be alive.

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