

Jeffree Star tells Rich Lux that Mikayla Nogueira Ruined her Integrity

Rich Lux interviewed Jeffree Star this week, and Star had some things to say about influencer Mikayla Nogueira and her recent ad for a mascara brand.

Nogueira recently released a paid sponsorship “review” of a mascara that Star called a “great” product – and she lied in the process.

Star didn’t hold back, saying that what Nogueira did (and what other influencers do regularly) ruins their integrity.

After the ad came out, Star says it turned into a whole “thing” and he called her out, telling her he knew she was full of shit.

Star says, “I’m the queen of reviewing and I feel like there’s some lies happening.” He adds, “The mascara was great and she didn’t need to lie. So that’s why I don’t understand it.”

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