

Who Are the Clermont Twins: Shannon and Shannade Clermont

FACTZ caught Shannon and Shannade Clermont in Beverly Hills acting like they owned the streets. From a distance, we thought this was the 2015 Shannon Twins, but we were correct after we asked who they were.

Fun FACTZ: the Clermont Twins were born and raised in Montclair, New Jersey, the sisters gained popularity through their captivating presence on social media, showcasing their unique fashion sense and garnering a large following. Shannade made a name for herself on the reality television series “Bad Girls Club,” while Shannon pursued a career in modeling and fashion.

The Claremont Twins have collaborated with renowned fashion brands, appeared in high-profile magazines, and participated in fashion events, solidifying their status as fashion influencers. They have also ventured into entrepreneurship, launching their fashion brand, Mont Boudoir, which offers a range of luxurious clothing items and accessories. Beyond their fashion endeavors, the sisters have used their platform to advocate for women’s empowerment and body positivity.

The sisters have embraced their unique bond and often refer to themselves as “surgery besties.”


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