

Twitter Promises Transparency, Then Neglects to Report Some Political Ads

When Elon Musk took the reins at Twitter as the new CEO, he promised a tenure full of transparency.

However, advertising on the platform has turned out to be anything but transparent.

Politico recently dug into advertising on Twitter, and found that the company has failed to disclose a number of political ads running on the site since early March.

Three promoted fundraising tweets were not included in Twitter’s own data, contradicting the promise that the company would be forthcoming and transparent. The tweets came from politicians in both parties, including the accounts of Senator John Fetterman, Representative Elise Stefanik, and Adam Frisch.

Now, people are questioning just how much they can trust Twitter’s pledge to transparency and accountability. With the knowledge that they are hiding some revelations from their own reports, it begs the question how much else the company is hiding behind a guise of transparency.