

Twitter Managers Tell Staff to Work 84-hour Weeks and Sleep at Work as New Boss Elon Musk Sets Feverish Deadlines

Things at Twitter have gone from uncertain to downright unpleasant.

Elon Musk has officially taken control and is already shaking things up.

Twitter managers have told some staff to work 12-hour shifts, seven days a week, to try to meet impossible deadlines set by the new boss.

Staffers tell FACTZ that they’re hoping to avoid any of their staff being part of the upcoming layoffs that Musk has promised, which will begin with 25% of the workforce and could eventually comprise 75%.

Some managers told The New York Times this week that they’re sleeping at the office on Friday and Saturday nights to try to stay ahead of things. Managers have also been asked to conduct performance reviews, leaving staff nervous about the outcomes.

Staff is desperate to prove themselves by meeting Musk’s deadlines, with 84-hour work weeks.


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