

TikTok Influencer Jacob Pursifull Arrest Mugshot

FACTZ has received the mugshot of the influencer who got arrested after jumping into a zoo’s alligator pit in Florida for social media clout. Jacob Pursifull was busted after leaping into the lake at Busch Gardens Tampa, calling people ‘Karens’ as they tried to intervene in the mindless stunt.

Cops say the 20-year-old and two pals snuck into the attraction on June 1, where they pretended to be stuck in a fake rollercoaster seat, and stole a snack from an unmanned concession before he made his way to the park’s alligator exhibit.

Pursifull allegedly hopped the two fences that separated the public from the gators, held a camera towards the swimming reptiles, and unleashed an impression of late Australian zookeeper Steve Irwin for his 1,184 TikTok followers.

The video was then uploaded to social media sites. Following investigative leads based on the linked social media posts, investigators were able to positively identify and locate Pursifull. Tampa Police said in a statement to FACTZ, “A probable cause warrant was issued for his arrest. Pursifull was charged with burglary of an occupied structure and two misdemeanors of Trespassing and theft.”