

Science Breakthrough Reverses Aging in Mice

For the first time ever, scientists have been able to reverse aging in mice.

The study at Harvard University has been ongoing for 13 years.

It showed that the reorganization and regulation of genetic structures can either accelerate or reverse the effects of aging (deteriorating eyesight, smaller attention span, skin issues, etc.).

However, before it can be considered a win for the future of humanity, it will need to be tested in larger mammals and, eventually, humans.

One Comment

  • In some ways that would be great, but think about how many people we have on the planet already and what it would mean to the world as a whole. Then there’s the perspective of who would be able to obtain it, probably just the rich. I think it’s great if it would help people with Alzheimer’s or diseases and people that would benefit from something like that. Not just to try and live forever!

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