

Quitting The 9 To 5 To Become Travel Gals

TikTokers Cpuck & Jordy are sharing their new life of abruptly quitting their jobs and traveling the world. The two friends are 25 and 26, taking advantage of their youth by doing something that many of us miss out on.

In their post, they explain, “We booked a one-way ticket to Iceland all in just a carry-on. We plan to travel to multiple different continents over the span of a few months.”

So far, Cpuck and Jordy have been to 8 countries – Iceland, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Ireland, France, Monaco, and Portugal. Making the most of the experience, “We do our best to immerse ourselves into the culture and try new things.” Adding in, “The best part is meeting the locals and making new friends along the way,”

“Yes, of course, it’s risky, scary, and even crazy but this has been the best decision we’ve ever made. We have smiled every single day since we left and have had some great days and not-so-great moments. But, each day has been a learning opportunity.”

In their TikTok, they shared a story of meeting a local who talked about the value of “health, wealth, and time” and the rarety of having all three at once. “While we don’t have the wealth right now, we have the health and time,” explained the girls.

They emphasized the fact that money isn’t happiness. Money is expendable where as time and youth are not. So, what are you waiting for? Those bags won’t pack themselves.

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