

‘Quiet Quitting’: Gen Z’s Struggle with a Lack of Interpersonal Connection

In the digital age, where virtual interactions dominate, Gen Z is grappling with a phenomenon known as “quiet quitting.” This term refers to a growing trend among young people who, despite their online presence and connectivity, feel a deep sense of disconnection and dissatisfaction in their interpersonal relationships.

Despite being more digitally connected than ever, Gen Z experiences a sense of isolation and disconnection. The constant stream of information, social media comparisons, and the pressure to maintain a carefully crafted online persona take a toll on their mental well-being. They yearn for meaningful conversations, emotional support, and a sense of belonging that virtual interactions often fail to provide.

Quiet quitting is a manifestation of this struggle. It involves withdrawing from or gradually disengaging with virtual spaces and focusing on building real, meaningful connections.

As the effects of quiet quitting become more pronounced, Gen Z is reevaluating their relationship with technology and seeking a balance between their digital and real-world lives. They are advocating for a shift toward more intentional and meaningful interactions, where quality triumphs over quantity.