
Nancy Pelosi Portrait Revealed as Her Days as Speaker Come to a Close

The days of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi are nearly over.

During a ceremony this week, Pelosi’s official portrait was unveiled and placed on the walls of the U.S. Capitol. The artist is Ronald Sherr, and the project was completed in 2014. The painting features Pelosi in a suit with pearls, holding the speaker’s gavel. It will hang outside the House chamber alongside the portraits of over a dozen former speakers.

Both Democrats and Republicans were in attendance during the unveiling, which included former House Speaker John Boehner getting emotional.

Boehner said, “Game recognizes game. And the fact of the matter is no other speaker of the House in the modern era, Republican or Democrat has wielded the gavel with such authority or with such consistent results.”

Pelosi made a joke that she “Would have been a little disappointed if he didn’t get emotional,” which is her way of acknowledging Boehner’s famed emotional displays in public.

Former President Barack Obama made an appearance (digitally) and called Pelosi “one of the most accomplished legislators in American history.”

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