

Meredith Duxbury’s Heavy Makeup Routine Ages the Skin

Meredith Duxbury, known for her viral heavy makeup foundation technique, has been sporting an even richer made-up look lately, which has sparked some concerns among her fans. Some influencers who met MD at F1 this past weekend have suggested that she does not look natural, “she looks like a walking mannequin.”

FACTZ spoke to some fans who are also concerned about the health of her skin. One source who works for Tarte says, “Many of the non-Tarte products she endorses contains harmful ingredients that can damage and prematurely age Meredith’s skin. If she continues with this level of makeup application, it may become increasingly difficult for her to maintain a youthful appearance in the coming years.”

While it’s understandable that some people may be concerned about heavy makeup’s impact on one’s skin, ultimately, it’s up to Meredith to decide what makeup style she wants to rock. We should all support her in whatever makes her feel beautiful.

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