

Mark Cuban Supports ‘Woke’ Culture – “It’s Good Business”

The owner of the Dallas Mavericks, Mark Cuban, has spoken on ‘woke’ culture and believes it’s actually a good thing. Cuban spoke with the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette on the Bud Light controversy and his statements are raising eyebrows:

“First a dip in market cap is meaningless. You have to realize that there aren’t many individual owners of stocks — almost all ownership is via funds, and most trading is quantitative. So, it’s not like the drop is because tens of thousands of individual holders sold their stocks.”

Cuban continues, “There is a reason almost all the top ten market cap companies in the U.S. can be considered ‘woke.’ It’s good business.”

Cuban who seems to believe companies will just ride out the wave and ignore the massive loss in sales.

“Most CEOs have enough experience to know to just wait out the news cycle until they go to the next one.”