

House Adjourns Leaderless: Kevin McCarthy Falls Short in Another Round of Voting for House Speaker as Repubs Rebel


The House has adjourned Tuesday without picking a leader after three failed rounds of votes. Kevin McCarthy continues to be the favorite, but MAGA holdouts are making the process arduous. It’s unclear how many rounds of voting it will take or how an agreement will be reached. McCarthy has vowed to stay in the race.

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A colossal scene of embarrassment is going down in the House of Representatives as Republicans fight for the soul of their chamber of Congress.

Kevin McCarthy is battling it out with a fringe and extremist group of Donald Trump loyalists who refuse to vote him in as Speaker, instead first throwing their votes to Andy Biggs in round 1 of voting, and then Jim Jordan in round 2.

After McCarthy failed to achieve the necessary threshold in round 1, the votes were tallied again in another round.

Democrats are standing staunchly united behind Hakeem Jeffries who will serve as the new House Minority Leader after taking over Democrat leadership from outgoing Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

Round 2 votes for McCarthy ended with 203 for, and 19 Republicans voting for other options.

Democrats are playing gracious, tweeting about how peaceful and pleasant today has been as their Republican colleagues argue and gnash teeth.

The House will continue voting until a Speaker wins the necessary threshold, however long that takes. It’s been 100 years (1923) since a Speaker needed more than one round of votes to secure the spot.