
Kanye West says ‘Black Lives Matter Was a Scam’ After Wearing ‘White Lives Matter’ Shirt in Paris

Kanye has given context for his abrupt public appearance in a shirt reading “White Lives Matter” in Paris on Monday.

The rapper, who has long been an outspoken MAGA supporter and critic of racial equality movements (one calling slavery a “choice”), wore the shirt at a Yeezy fashion show in Paris this week, creating instant backlash online and around the world.

Ye has now responded to explain why he felt the need to wear the message, and his reasoning is simple: “EVERYONE KNOWS THAT BLACK LIVES MATTER WAS A SCAM NOW ITS OVER YOU’RE WELCOME.”

West may be referring to the fact that a few BLM executives have been caught in alleged scandals over the past few years, and Candace Owens was there to rep the shirt alongside Ye as someone who has been pushing these allegations publicly.

West didn’t stop blasting BLM as a scam, however. A contributing editor for Vogue named Gabrielle Karefa-Johnson called West’s wearing of the shirt “dangerous” and “irresponsible.” It struck a nerve for West, who – like any reasonable adult – posted an image of Karefa-Johnson in a pair of yellow boots with the caption, “I KNOOOOOOW ANNA HAAAATES THESE BOOTS.” Referring to Anna Wintour. Ye added, “This is not a fashion person. You speak on Ye. Ima speak on you. Ask Trevor Noah.”

Well, that just changed everyone’s mind, Ye – thanks for the inspiration.

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