

Jay Z is on the Alleged ‘Epstein Island Visitors’ List That Has Gone Viral on Twitter

Now that #pedogate is back in action thanks to Balenciaga, the internet has gone full True Detective. People think they are solving the largest celebrity pedophilia scandal in world history.

Yes, we all think we are the best rabbit in the rabbit hole.

Well, a list is being shared on Twitter of all the names of the Disney seekers that visited Jeffery Epstein’s sleep with kids island.

FACTZ doesn’t condone this behavior. Yes, we have contacted many people on this list who have denied ever stepping foot on Little Saint James Island or associating with Jeffery Epstein.

We do think it was a little strange that Jay Z and Beyonce are on the guest list. They don’t seem like “the type.” Here they are last night, having dinner, deeply in love like all married couples.

A source familiar with the situation tells FACTZ that “everyone needs to understand when you charter someone’s private jet, that doesn’t mean you know the jet’s owner or flying with or to that person’s island. Your name automatically goes on the manifest. As you can see, there are names like Ron Burkle on this list. There is no possible way he would vacation on someone else’s island that has any ties to sex play with minors.”

Jay Z Beyonce


  • Why is there always an excuse every time a list goes around. We hired the jet, we were just getting a lift etc etc. I always thought flight manifests were a highly important document when travelling for customs and immigration etc

    • Ghislane goes to jail but none of people
      On the list get any jail time for having sex with children …. Make it make sense

  • Anyone notice the current sitting President is also on the list? If that doesn’t scream ‘compromised’ I don’t know what does. We just found out about it but what are the chances any of our enemies new well in advance?

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