

Influencer Devon Levesque Breaks Up with Teacher Girlfriend Serena Higgins

Influencer Devon Levesque seems to have broken up with his girlfriend, Serena Higgins. The fitness/somewhat business influencer has been posting a lot of content as usual, and none of them with his teacher girlfriend Higgins. Rumors of the two have been broken up for months after the two have not interacted with each other’s socials.

It’s unsurprising, as Higgins was linked to hooking up with MMA troll Dillon Danis. FACTZ can’t blame Higgins, as Levesque seemed never to be around and was more focused on his brand and content. Levesque has recently partnered with billionaire Jesse Itzler to start a running festival. Higgins continues to work on her fitness app, but it doesn’t seem like these two will remain friends because they do not interact with each other’s posts on social media.