
FACTZ Icon: The Origin Story

Let’s be honest; your life isn’t that great. You wake up and check Instagram, get bored around 10 a.m., start your rabbit-hole addiction with TikTok, and for an afternoon snack, jump on OnlyFans to masturbate to your friends. (I highly recommend Pauline Jackson—real body parts.) And you justify it daily by sharing some motivational content you don’t believe in—but it will satisfy your relatives to make them and others think you are a good person. 

In all, you are a very lonely, dishonest, fake and delusional individual hooked on dopalikes—FACTZ lingo for the dopamine hit from followers and likes from losers you never met.

This is where Robin Hood comes in, my [Nik Richie] super activism hero who plans to expose the culture with my tongue as the arrow through the heart of madness. Awareness of misgivings by the rich to give back to the poor on their Cricket Wireless cellphone plan. 

Unlike all other billion-dollar ideas, this one wasn’t stolen. The arrowed Z you see above was a back of the napkin creation by Ironman, aka Stephen J. Cloobeck, and myself. Ironman and Zorro (my other alter ego—he is very romantic but excellent with his sword above and below the pants) sat down and discussed how we could give the blue party and the red party our undivided attention to create harmony, a utopia of purple. For the children: Like Nacho Libre had a baby with Batman. 

The solution is simple, expose the underbelly of dogshit cultural norms by calling out the cons, cheats, swindlers, grifters and the morally inept. Wake up the brainwashed while giving you the FACTZ of breaking news and celebrity scandals. 

So let me repeat our Code of Honor and respectfully ask you to join our love fest: 





INTEGRITY (don’t lie)

I’m allowing you to be part of a movement like no other. You can finally be a super person and create your social handle to help the world instead of dumbing it down—citizen journalism at its finest.  

Now when you see the arrowed Z, understand I am you, and you are me. Zorro meets Robin Hood to fight for glory. Screw your boss. We have work to do … let the rats scurry when the club lights come on.

#factz #nikrichie


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