

DL Hughley Tells FACTZ that Elon Musk, Kanye and Trump are ‘Horrible’ People

Comedic legend DL Hughley was out and about in NYC when FACTZ caught up with him.

When asked what he thinks about Twitter and if the landscape is changing, Hughley deadpanned, “Of course, he’s a horrible man who’s running a horrible business.”

He added that he had ordered a Tesla but no longer has an interest in the company due to Musk’s odious antics.

Hughley continues, “He’s as horrible as I thought he was. Him and Kanye and Trump.”

And added that Kanye’s antisemitism and internalized racism “proved to me that you don’t have to be white to not like Black people or to be a racist.”


  • The level of education, wealth and social status has nothing to do with a person’s upbringing and politeness

  • Hughley is allegedly a Depo. They all hate Trump 🤷🏿‍♂️ —his victims will see justice when Trump goes back on power #Trump2024

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