

California Files Lawsuit Against Huntington Beach for Failing to Adopt Housing Plan

California Governor Gavin Newsom and other state leaders are expanding a lawsuit against Surf City. They are penalizing the city for failing to adopt a new housing plan.

Newsom said in a press conference on Monday, “Huntington Beach continues to fail its residents. California will continue taking every step necessary to ensure everyone is building their fair share of housing and not flouting state housing laws at the expense of the community.”

The city has been considering a new state-mandated housing plan ever since their last one expired 16 months ago. But city leaders nixed the proposed plan at last week’s meeting, leaving the city without a plan for how they would meet the state’s required goals for development.

At last week’s city council meeting, Mayor Tony Strickland affirmed his belief that the government closest to the city is best for the people, saying about Newsom, “He’s not here. He doesn’t live here. We represent – we’re out in the community. He shouldn’t make those decisions, we should make those decisions.”

Strickland also pointed to the fact that 200 other cities in the state don’t have approved housing plans and asked why they’re being singled out.

Huntington Beach has been butting heads with Gavin Newsom and Democratic leadership in the state for months now.