

Anyone Can Be Kanye West Thanks to A.I.

Artificial intelligence is rapidly encroaching on a variety of creative industries.

And one industry that has some rejoicing and some quaking in fear is the audio industry as a whole. Sound clips, music, voice prints – they’re all being learned by AI.

And metaverse experts @metav3rse used AI Eluna.ai to flex muscles by showing off how the product can make almost anything sound like it was recorded by Kanye West.

In a striking example of the robot’s skills, @metav3rse posted a series of videos to Instagram of the robot using West’s generated voice to cover a number of popular songs by other artists.

Then, they posted this video showing how the process works – and it’s eerie, to say the least.


  • This is going to be bad. What about musicians that have passed? Who is going to regulate the music that comes out of their stuff?

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