
Anthony Fauci is Dealing with Trolls Who Won’t Leave his Wife and Kids Alone

Trolling is one of the internet’s favorite pastimes.

It can be a barrel of laughs if you’re on the delivering side of things and a headache if you’re on the receiving end.

But sometimes, it goes too far.

America’s top infectious disease expert, Dr. Anthony Fauci, is now experiencing the “too far” aspect of trolling. Fauci, who is 81, has served under seven presidents.

Fauci says that “low-life” trolls are harassing his wife and children after discovering where they live and uncovering their phone numbers.

Fauci told BBC, “I have good security protection, but I really think it’s so cowardly to harass people who are completely uninvolved, including my children.”

Two people have already been arrested and imprisoned for what Fauci described as “credible attempts on [his] life.”

Fauci is stepping down as the US’s chief medical advisor to President Biden this month and also as head of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.


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