

Angie ‘Pumps’ Sullivan says ‘I’ve HAD it’ with Tipping

In the newest episode of their podcast, “I’ve HAD It,” Angie “Pumps” Sullivan and Jennifer Welch address the out of control world of tipping in the US.

Sullivan says, “I’ve had it with what I see is a new trend of everyone wanting to be tipped all the time.”

She adds, “You’re looking straight up at the person that you’re tipping, so if you hit ‘no tip,’ you’re just a total fucking twat. But it just seems ridiculous.”

Welch explains an experience she had recently at a bakery, where she felt pressured to tip a worker behind the counter who just put 6 cookies into a box.

And experts agree, suggesting that tipping culture in the US is out of control, and there’s no clear off ramp.