

TikToker Reveals Scary Crimes Against Children On The Dark Web

During a GRWM makeup edition TikTok video, a user revealed to her followers, “I work for the government investigating child online sex crimes.” As she applied her foundation she began sharing scary details about child sex crimes that occur on the internet, specifically the dark web.

The TikToker reveals:

  • “A majority of photos uploaded of children to the dark web are taken off of normal people’s Facebook and Instagram pages.”
  • “If you see a suggested person on your Facebook page that you have no mutual friends with, it means that they searched your profile at least three times.”
  • “80 percent of children who experience assault and exploration are under the age of 12.”
  • “Child exploration is a billion-dollar industry and there are over thousands of websites being created every single day to share photos and videos.”

The TikTok user shared her advice for parents to “limit your child on social media because photos and videos can be warped and placed on the dark web extremely easily.”

The TikToker concluded her video by offering a part two for anyone who wanted to know more or had questions because “I have so many facts that I know about this.”