

The Queen of Cake, Makeup Influencer Meredith Duxbury is Famous For Her Layers

One of the biggest names on TikTok is Meredith Duxbury, and it’s because she has a very unique makeup style that’s not a gimmick. Duxbury does what old-school cool people use to say- “applies a MAC force field.”

FACTZ is not hating on her strategy as it seems to be getting millions of fans and views. She is naturally beautiful.

We asked another TikTok influencer familiar with this Tarte trip her thoughts, she said the following:

“This girls crazy way of doing makeup is going viral. I mean I have never see Someone use so much make up!! She is 24 as well I believe and already using this much makeup 😂😂.”

Duxbury do you. And Happy Birthday.


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