
Shifting Sands: Reddit Now Officially Has More NFT Wallets than the OpenSea Marketplace

At this point, over three million Reddit Vault wallets have been created.

2.5 million of those were made to purchase NFT avatars.

But the NFT world’s biggest marketplace, OpenSea, only has 2.3 million active wallets.

It’s an exciting shift in NFT interactions and raises questions about what Reddit will do with its impressive NFT influence. Reddit has long been a hand-in-hand partner with crypto, and two subreddits even have their currencies (MOONS and BRICKS).

Reddit has a system that allows users to buy NFT avatars with prices ranging from just under $10 to just under $100. Only 40,000 were designed, and they have all been purchased.

Twitter also allows these NFT avatars.

While NFT interest is flagging in other markets, Reddit users seem more interested than ever – perhaps to take advantage of the lack of interest elsewhere and to prepare for the upswing many predict will come for crypto soon.

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