
Olivia Wilde Calls Professor ‘Hero to the Incel Community’ Who Inspired ‘Don’t Worry Darling’ Villain

While on a press tour for the “Don’t Worry Darling” film release, Olivia Wilde revealed that Chris Pine’s villainous character (Frank) was based on a real-life professor, Dr. Jordan Peterson.

Wilde called Peterson “this pseudo-intellectual hero to the incel community.” Wilde defined incels as “disenfranchised, mostly white men, who believe they are entitled to sex from women. And they believe that society has robbed them – that the idea of feminism is working against nature, and that we must be put back in the correct place.” Wilde continued, “This guy Jordan Peterson is someone that legitimizes certain aspects of their movement because he’s a former professor, an author, he wears a suit, so they feel like this is a real philosophy that should be taken seriously.”

While being interviewed by Piers Morgan, Peterson was asked how he felt about the comment and if he thought it was true. Peterson said he wasn’t too offended and is now compelled to check out the movie.

Peterson responded to Morgan’s questions with, “Sure. Why not? You know, people have been after me for a long time because I’ve been speaking to disaffected young men.”

But then, Peterson broke down into tears. He continued, “It’s very difficult to understand how demoralized people are, and certainly many young men are in that category. You get these casual insults, these incels – what do they mean? These men don’t know how to make themselves attractive to women who are very picky and good for them. Women, like, be picky. That’s your gift, man. Demand high standards from your men. Fair enough. But all these men who are alienated, it’s like they’re lonesome, and they don’t know what to do, and everyone piles abuse on them.”

Peterson’s tears came from frustration as he explained, “It’s really something to see – constantly how many people are dying for lack of an encouraging word and how easy it is to provide that if you’re careful.”


  • Dr. Jordan Peterson has a Ph.D. in clinical psychology and taught at Harvard. Olivia Wilde (Real name Olivia Cockburn…true story, look it up) is, as far as I can tell, lacks all academic credentialism to make any sort of criticism of Dr. Peterson. But she is a Hollywood elite – so there we go

    • So…

      Mr. Peterson earned a doctorate and spent five years as an assistant/associate professor at Harvard. This means that he is infallible and unimpeachable? Not as far as Ontario’s governing body for psychologists is concerned: in 2018, he was reprimanded—and accepted the ruling—for professional ethical misconduct.

      Ms. Wilde adopted a stage name—hardly rare for a performer—this indicates a moral deficiency? To one’s best knowledge, she has not claimed to be nor presented herself as an academician, but her lack of scholastic bona fides renders her unfit to hold an opinion. This is your point? 🤔

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