

Manhunt for Abbey Wilson: Six Warrants for Her Arrest – Kidnapping Charges in Mexico

UPDATE: Joe Francis wins Federal appeal with a unanimous verdict by a three-judge panel.

In the big separation settlement Abbey Wilson (at large) was requesting $75 million of the $80 million value of Francis’ Mexican villa, Casa Aramara. Plus, $10 million in cash and for Francis’ to purchase Wilson a home in Oklahoma for $5 million.

Yes, Joe Francis is still GGW rich. Unfortunately for Wilson, the judges DENIED her rights, ending her chances for future litigation.

Wilson has been a NO SHOW (obviously), so that doesn’t help her cause.

Joe Francis Twins

The original story below [November 9, 2022 – 9:30 AM PST]:

FACTZ has uncovered six warrants for the arrest of Abbey Wilson.

A judge in Mexico wants Wilson in prison for kidnapping Joe Francis’ two minor children. Wilson has fled from Mexico to the United States, where a petition for registration and enforcement of foreign child-custody determination from the state of Jalisco was filed in the district court of Oklahoma on October 26, 2022.

On August 18, a judge in Mexico demanded that Wilson appear for a private hearing where the opinion of the minors would be heard. That was supposed to happen on November 7, but Wilson is nowhere to be found.

Francis is fighting to get his kids back from Wilson- who stole large sums of money from him. Wilson, who has kidnapped the children and refuses court order, is putting the kids at risk with shady associations and nefarious behavior.

One of her warrants is for criminal breach of trust, which is an imprisonable offense. If you or someone you know has seen Abbey Wilson, pleasecontacth the authorities. 

Story developing …


  • Aren’t those her kids too??? This article makes it sound like she kidnapped his kids. They’re THEIR kids.

      • No…. Look into how they split. He beat her and it’s recorded and she was screaming for her life. He’s a violent psycho and the kids need to be away from him. Look at the lengths he goes to… Ask why… Do some research on him and their relationship. This is him being spiteful and I’m pretty sure he’s not allowed in the US… Why would she go back?

  • Nik was just with Francis staying at his house. Doesn’t seem like a fair article. Didn’t the kids mother claim to take the kids because of violence in the home when she fled with them? U going to cover both sides? Nik you promised unbiased facts right…

  • He’s an absolute terror and was so horribly abusive to her, just lookup the 911 calls. She got herself some coin and went into hiding. To bad he’s a criminal who’s living abroad to avoid prison in the US. So good luck, I hope they never find her. And yes those are her babies. She did what she needed to do.

    • Exactly. He’s mad she fled for safety… And he created BOGUS claims against her. She left him to protect her & the children. Meanwhile, he can’t even come to the US for the same reasons, except LEGITIMATE claims. Lol. He’s salty and trashing her name and I bet she’ll have the last laugh eventually. Her and her kids are safe, that’s all that matters. Let him do these tactics with these paid articles, telling his side without any factual evidence of the events that occurred between them. Better than him having access to them.

  • seems a bit biased. thought we werent doing this here. Also, she filed in the US, why does the MX matter legally?

  • Esto es una farsa! yo trabajé para el señor joe, en casa aramara, y el es una persona peligrosa, narcisista y mitómana. la señora Abbey se separó de él por maltrato familiar y le concedieron una orden de restricción para el señor joe, ahora ella es la mala, bueno como dice el señor joe, y lo cito: El dinero es poder!

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