
Kendall Jenner Is Part of the NYFW Shark Skin Mafia

FACTZ took a stab or fishing spear toward the “supermodels,” trying to bring back the 2002 #sharkskin MAC makeup look. Obviously, Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner are friends and probably share the same gay makeup artist, but from a straight man’s perspective, this tint of great white blue above the eyeballs is no bueno.

And for the record, I’m not claiming to be a fashion expert, but I do know what a hot chick looks like. This skinny cow creation is not it. From my perspective – female fashion is to be sexy, to exude power and appeal. I want to look at you and never forget you and then dream about you in fairytale fashion … But it’s 2022 where heavy nightmares are better than reality. I get it … it’s a fat revolution … makes sense why KJ is wearing cow print (very PC).


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