

Keith Lee Sells Out and Takes $500k From Chipotle – Foodie Fans Disappointed by the Money Grab

Food influencer Keith Lee has been on a massive rise for finding all the local foodie small business hot spots. As great as this is for his social media and these businesses, Lee is not making money to support his family. So he took the bag.

The Power of Keith Lee – Nerdy Nuts Sells Out in 24 Hours

Lee has officially received the wire from Chipotle, which is a multiple post deal starting at $500,000 and will be ending in the millions.

Keith Lee is Living by the FACTZ Code – Saves Small Business with Integrity

All he has to do is pretend he likes their food. It’s not a good look for Keith Lee, but FACTZ understands he has to pay the bills and capitalize on his sudden rise to fame.