

Kanye West Has a Disturbing History of Admiring Adolf Hitler

In recent weeks, it’s become obvious that Kanye West holds some anti-Semitic beliefs. But as it turns out, his personal worldview goes beyond just stereotypes and tropes of Jewish people that are harmful.

The man apparently worships Hitler.

Several people close to Ye recently told CNN that not only has he long been fascinated by Hitler, but he wanted to name an album after him. His 2018 album “Ye” was almost “Hitler.”

A business exec who worked for West told CNN that Ye created a hostile work environment, partly because of his “obsession” with Hitler. The exec (who remained anonymous due to fear of reprisals) explained, “He would praise Hitler by saying how incredible it was that he was able to accumulate so much power and would talk about all the great things he and the Nazy Party achieved for the German people.”

West spoke openly about reading Hitler’s 1925 manifesto, “Mein Kampf” and expressed his “admiration” for the Nazis, along with Hitler’s use of propaganda. According to the exec, people close to Ye were “fully aware” of his obsession with Hitler.

A former TMZ employee (Van Lathan Jr.) said that Kanye West made previous anti-Semitic comments on a podcast that the outlet cut from the final production. Lathan said during the “Higher Learning” podcast earlier this month, “I mean, I was taken aback because that type of antisemitic talk is disgusting. It’s like, I’m taken aback any time anyone does that, right? But as far as [Ye], I knew that was in him because when he came to TMZ, he said that stuff and they took it out of the interview.”

Lathan explained, “He said something like, ‘I love Hitler. I love Nazis.’ Something to that effect when he was there. And they took it out of the interview for whatever reason.”

As more and more brands cut ties with West and more revelations uncover the dark truth about his hateful views, West is still in the middle of a divorce (which everyone has forgotten about).

Although he barely has two pennies to rub together compared to this time last week, West has retained his lawyer in the divorce with ex Kim Kardashian and they are working hard to hammer out a deal that will keep it from going to trial. Custody settlement negotiations continue.

But while this was a hard week for West, it must have been a good one for Kardashian, who won’t have to work as hard to prove to the courts that West is a little bit of a risky bet when it comes to custody.


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