

Hallie Batchelder’s Nicotine Addition Showcases the Purity of Nantucket

From watching the viral frustration of Hallie Batchelder’s addiction, FACTZ decided to do some recon to help her understand the severity of her actions if she smokes on Nantucket:
Any person(s) in charge of a public place or workplace, including municipal entities, who fails to comply with Nantucket smoke-free regulations shall be subject to the following actions for each offense:
  • A warning shall be issued for a first offense. A fine of up to $100 may be issued for a second offense, up to $200 for a third offense, up to $300 for a fourth offense, and up to $300 for any subsequent offense; and
  • Following the second offense, the Board of Health may, after a public hearing, suspend any license for that public place for a period of up to two days for each day of noncompliance or withhold renewal of the license. Following a third offense, the Board of Health may suspend an existing permit/license for a period of time determined by the Board of Health until compliance is achieved.

Long story short- if you see Hallie Batchelder trying to buy a pack of cigs, please block on sales.