

Guests Find themselves Sinking on Popular Disney Ride

The one thing that makes thrill rides amazing is knowing that you’re completely safe – just getting a healthy dose of adrenaline for fun.

And while Disney’s Pirates of the Caribbean isn’t exactly the wildest thrill ride, it does have at least one drop that will get the old ticker pumping.

So it’s not exactly comforting to be gliding along on the ride and suddenly notice your boat is filling up with water. That kind of dissolves the whole, “I’m tricking my body into risking my life, but I’m completely safe” illusion.

Thus was the case for a boat full of Disney riders who found themselves on a slowly sinking ‘Pirates’ boat. Luckily, the water isn’t very deep.

They were rescued without issue after an hour of waiting, but they probably gave a proper side-eye to the next ride they got on.