

Gen Z Is Keeping the Conversation Creative

We millennials are no longer the rulers of the world. It seems as though our reign has been officially taken over by Gen Z. From social media to the way we hear people talk on the day-to-day, Gen Z had a major influence over it all.

TikTok user @ann_natalie, a millennial herself, shared her thoughts and confusion over the new lingo that Gen Z has given to the world. She says, “Do you sometimes feel completely disconnected when it comes to the Gen Z slang?”

She explains that she and her sister are different generations and every time she talks to them, she’s reminded. “Let me just say that Gen Z really hypes me up,” Natalie shares. Adding, “But in the same breath they say things and I’m like what are you saying right now?”

“But I also love that I get to experience this generation firsthand in my home,” the TikToker says. Concluding her rant, “It is never a dull moment when it comes to talking to the Gen Z’s.”