

Gen Z is Going Back to Mean Girls Syndrome

This is not a good sign.

The Millennials worked so hard to end bullying, but here we are with a more upfront and honest generation. Gen Z is ready to voice; #FACTZ is not sure if this is a good or bad sign, considering the political climate of elders fighting like babies.

Now we know why Alix Earle only hangs out with Alix Earle types.


  • I agree with her. The Government has pushed this woke cult and now we are weak and don’t think for ourselves.

  • This is such a lie – girls who are pretty almost always have an ugly friend (aka a grenade) around to make them look better because inside they are insecure.

  • Lol says the 2 out of 10 with a heavy ass filter… this girl without the filter looks like she could be Nik Richie’s younger brother

    • What! She is beautiful! I actually dated Nik (Hooman) in High School for a week. They use to call him Hums because he would only ask girls for Hummers at parties. Yes I did. He was a bad boy. Still love you and proud of you! Go Eagles 🥰

  • This video is a POV, meaning it was posted as a joke. She’s playing a role, this isn’t her actual thoughts.

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