
DuJour CEO and Founder Jason Binn Goes Unhinged After FACTZ Article Makes the Rounds

Happy Thursday, September 8, 2022, as I wake up to the CEO and Founder of DuJour Magazine (a website and hard mag for old people) going absolutely bananas over our first article: Media Pub Jason Binn is Feeling Famous and Feeling on Kids.

Binn felt the need to FINALLY reach out to me personally, as he has been big leaguing me for the past two months—because he thinks he is the media (low-rent reality). During my chase, I requested Binn’s side of the story out of respect and he claimed he could not speak on legal matters. Not true, but ok. Like most guilt-ridden parties, they feel the need to react in a very aggressive unhinged nature, with Binn texting me, “Payback is a bitch”, among other threats.

“Let’s see what you do to fix this tomorrow.” Well, it’s tomorrow JB and unfortunately, you showed your true colors with the 26 text messages, 30 emails and 8 missed calls.

This isn’t a break-up my friend; this is an introduction. Threats do not scare FACTZ. As you said, “our story is developing.”