

Dr. Dubrow Talks The Do’s and Dont’s of Facial Reconstruction With FACTZ

Facial and body reconstruction is no one’s best-kept secret anymore. In fact, it’s the total opposite. Fillers, Botox, fat removal and more have become increasingly popular with the rise of social media and the intense desire for “perfection.”

Luckily, FACTZ ran into the well respected plastic surgeon Dr. Dubrow to get the scoop on what to avoid and what’s safe to bet on.

“Never inject silicon in your face. Never inject free silicone in your face,” Dr. Dubrow told FACTZ while alongside his wife Heather Dubrow.

As for what is on the list of what’s okay, Dubrow shared, “I like Botox. You know, fillers, done judiciously by a plastic surgeon. That’s the thing to do.”

Two other major don’ts according to Dr. Dubrow are buccal fat excision and surgical lip lifts.

“The trend we’re seeing is one that should go away and, that is buccal fat excision. You should stop taking buccal fat because it may look good now, in your 20’s, but when your 40, 50’s, and 60’s, you’re gonna look like a skeleton.” Adding in, “So don’t do buccal fat excision. Bad idea.”

FACTZ questioned if there’s any going back once you have the procedure to which Dr. Dubrow responded, “No, you can’t really inject fat in the deepest layers.”

He then wasted no time telling us to also avoid a lip lift, saying, “The other thing is, don’t do a lip lift. This incision here. This thing. Weird. Don’t do it.”