

51-Year-Old Jared Leto Shines Bright In Outdated TikTok Trend

TikTok trends come and go as quickly as public transportation. And if you don’t hop on the train when it’s at the station, well, you have no choice but to wait for the next one. Jared Leto, however, is still riding on the empty train of the no longer trending fashion trend of throwing an outfit over a bridge and landing into it at the bottom.

The 30 Seconds to Mars singer was recorded in Paris, France in a casual street-style fit and holding onto what appeared to be a big ball of gold fabric.

Let throws the gold fabric over the bridge, with the Eiffel Tower in his rearview, and lands into it on the street below, shirtless, and in loose-fit black pants, pared with large bedazzled black sunglasses. The video ends with him staring off into the distance and you (the viewer) questioning ‘What in the hec did I just watch?’